Image of PAXgene Blood RNA Kit CE (762174)

PAXgene Blood RNA Kit (IVD)

For purification of intracellular RNA from whole blood to be used for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests

  • Coupled with the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube (IVD), constitutes the PAXgene Blood RNA System
  • Efficient purification of high quality intracellular RNA
  • Standardized sample processing prior to analysis
  • Integrated DNase treatment for removal of gDNA
  • Purification can be automated on the QIAcube Connect MDx*

*The QIAGEN QIAcube Connect MDx is not available in all countries. For further details please contact QIAGEN Technical Service.




Spin column


Silica technology

Sample amount

2.5 ml

Elution volume

80µl (2x 40 µl)

Main sample type

Whole blood

Time per run
  • Manual: 90 min/12 samples
  • Automated: 151 min/12 samples
Yield≥3 µg/2.5 ml sample (≥95% of all samples processed). Apparently healthy consented donors with white blood cell counts in range of 4.8 x 10^6 – 1.1 x 10^7 leukocytes/ml
RNA purity
  • 1.8-2.2 (A260/A280) RNA
  • ≤1 % (w/w) genomic DNA (≥95% of all samples processed)
  • Manual: centrifugation
  • Automated: QIAcube Connect MDx

Intended Use

The PAXgene Blood RNA System consists of a blood collection tube (PAXgene Blood RNA Tube) and a nucleic acid purification kit (PAXgene Blood RNA Kit). It is intended for the collection, storage and transport of blood and stabilization of intracellular RNA in a closed tube, and subsequent isolation and purification of host RNA from whole blood for RT-PCR used in molecular diagnostic testing.

Performance characteristics for the PAXgene Blood RNA System have only been established with FOS* and IL1B** gene transcripts. The user is responsible for establishing appropriate PAXgene Blood RNA System performance characteristics for other target transcripts.

*FOS is the gene symbol for human Fos Proto-Oncogene, AP-1 Transcription Factor Subunit.

**IL1B is the gene symbol for human Interleukin 1 Beta.

Order information


Catalog No.


PAXgene Blood RNA Kit (50), CE

50 PAXgene Spin Columns, 50 PAXgene Shredder Spin Columns, Processing Tubes, RNase-Free DNase I, RNase-Free Reagents and Buffers. To be used in conjunction with PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes.

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Total RNA purified using the PAXgene Blood RNA System is highly pure, with A260/A280 values between 1.8 and 2.2 and ≤1.0% (w/w) genomic DNA in ≥95% of all samples processed (Figure 1). At least 95% of samples show no inhibition in RT-PCR, when eluate accounts for up to 30% of the RT-PCR reaction volume. RNA yields from 2.5 ml healthy human whole blood are ≥3 µg for ≥95% of the samples processed. Since yields are highly donor-dependent, individual yields may vary. For individual donors, the PAXgene Blood RNA System provides highly reproducible and repeatable yields (Figure 2 and Figure 3), making the system highly robust for clinical diagnostic tests.

The automated protocol of RNA purification using the PAXgene Blood RNA System provides pure RNA in high yield with reproducible and repeatable RT-PCR results, as shown in the figures (Figure 1).


Copy numbers of individual RNA species in blood can change significantly during sample storage or transport at ambient temperature, making reliable studies of gene expression difficult. Both stabilization of RNA molecules after collection and an efficient RNA purification protocol are needed to maximize insights into expression profiles of whole blood. Based on silica-membrane technology in spin column format, and when combined with PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes, the PAXgene Blood RNA Kit provides a rapid procedure and the chemistry to isolate RNA of high quality and purity.


The PAXgene Blood RNA procedure is simple and can be performed using manual or automated procedures (Figure 4 and Figure 5).

Manual PAXgene Blood RNA procedure

The PAXgene Blood RNA procedure begins with a centrifugation step to pellet nucleic acids in the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube. The pellet is washed, resuspended, and incubated in optimized buffers together with proteinase K to bring about protein digestion. An additional centrifugation through the PAXgene Shredder spin column is carried out to homogenize the cell lysate and remove residual cell debris, and the supernatant of the flow-through fraction is transferred to a fresh microcentrifuge tube. Ethanol is added to adjust binding conditions, and the lysate is applied to a PAXgene RNA spin column. During a brief centrifugation, RNA is selectively bound to the PAXgene silica membrane as contaminants pass through. Remaining contaminants are removed in several efficient wash steps. Between the first and second wash steps, the membrane is treated with DNase I to remove trace amounts of bound DNA. After the wash steps, RNA is eluted in elution buffer and heat-denatured.

Automated PAXgene Blood RNA procedure

Sample preparation, automated on the QIAcube Connect MDx, follows the same steps as the manual procedure, enabling you to continue using the PAXgene Blood RNA Kit for purification of high quality RNA.

The procedure begins with a centrifugation step to pellet nucleic acids in the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube. The pellet is washed, resuspended, and transferred from the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube into processing tubes, which are placed into the thermoshaker unit on the QIAcube Connect MDx worktable. The operator selects and starts the "PAXgene Blood RNA Part A" protocol from the menu. The QIAcube Connect MDx performs the steps of the protocol through to elution of RNA in elution buffer. The operator transfers the microcentrifuge tubes, containing the purified RNA, into the thermoshaker unit of the QIAcube Connect MDx. The operator selects and starts the "PAXgene Blood RNA Part B" protocol from the menu, and heat denaturation is performed by the QIAcube Connect MDx. Average sample preparation time (based on data for 12 sample preps) is 151 minutes, with only approximately 20 minutes of hands-on time.


When the kit is used in conjunction with PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes, the system provides intracellular RNA from whole blood for RT-PCR used in molecular diagnostic testing.

The PAXgene Blood RNA Kit is for in vitro diagnostics (IVD).


PAXgene Blood RNA Kit Handbook_V3_IVD use according to EU IVDR 2017/746 (EN)

3.7 MB


Customer Letter: New PAXgene® Blood RNA Kit* Protocol on QIAcube® Connect MDx available

87.3 KB


(EN) Important Note: PreAnalytiX GmbH street address has changed from “Feldbachstrasse” to “Garstligweg 8”

158.9 KB


Typical RNA Yields from PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes Processed with the PAXgene Blood RNA Kit

853.7 KB


In situ Stability of RNA in Blood Specimens Stored for 11 Years at -20°C and -70°C in PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes

1.6 MB


MSDS PAXgene Blood RNA Kit (50)

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Certificate of Analysis

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In situ Stability of RNA in Blood Samples Stored at –20°C and –70°C in PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes (Guenther 2009)

81.3 KB


Development and Optimization of a Protocol for Automated RNA Purification Using the PAXgene Blood RNA System (Guenther 2007)

2.3 MB


Performance Evaluation Study of the PAXgene Blood RNA System with Regulatory Compliance (Guenther 2005)

305.6 KB


Automated, Low-throughput RNA Purification from Whole Blood Using the PAXgene Blood RNA System (Guenther 2009)

524.3 KB


Guenther, K., McCluskey, M. (2008) Maintaining the Stability and Integrity of RNA from Whole Blood Samples. Clinical Laboratory International Issue N°5 - September 2008.

3.2 MB


PAXgene Blood RNA Kit

1. What RNA yields are expected with this product?
Typical yields of RNA isolated from 2.5 ml human whole blood are between 4 and 20 µg. However yield is highly donor-dependent, and in some cases higher or lower yields may be achieved. At least 95% of all samples with a WBC count between 4.8 and 11.0 x 106 cells/ml of blood will yield ≥3 µg of total RNA per tube. To prevent low yields due to underfilling of the tube, see the phlebotomy FAQ and the blood collection demonstration video.

2. Can the PAXgene Blood RNA System be used to isolate viral RNA?
No. The PAXgene Blood RNA System has been optimized for cellular RNA only.

3. Can the PAXgene Blood RNA System be used to isolate DNA?
No. The PAXgene Blood RNA System has been optimized for cellular RNA only. PreAnalytiX offers the dedicated PAXgene Blood DNA Tube and a system (tube and kit) for collection and isolation of genomic DNA from human whole blood (see PAXgene Blood DNA System).

4. Can specific types of white blood cells be enriched from a PAXgene Blood RNA Tube prior to the RNA isolation?
No. The blood cells are lysed in the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube. There is no method available to enrich sub-populations of cells. BD offers the BD Vacutainer CPT Cell Preparation Tube for separation of mononuclear cells from whole blood. For more information, contact BD Global Technical Services (

5. Is RNA from red blood cells also isolated when RNA is extracted from a PAXgene Blood RNA Tube?
Yes. The PAXgene Blood RNA System purifies RNA from whole blood. Therefore, it will also purify RNA from reticulocytes and RBCs. Array analyses have shown higher globin mRNA levels for RNA isolated from whole blood compared to RNA isolated from PBMCs.

6. Can blood from leukemia patients with elevated numbers of white blood cells be processed?
We have not validated the system with blood specimens containing very high numbers of leukocytes. Blood samples highly exceeding the upper limit specified for WBCs (11.0 x 106 WBC/ml of blood) may lead to problems during the extraction procedure.

7. What is in the elution buffer?
The elution buffer is a proprietary low-salt buffer. In combination with the final heat denaturation step, it leads to optimal performance of the isolated RNA in RT-reactions. There is no interference with downstream applications reported to date.

8. Can water be used to elute the RNA?
No. The elution buffer supplied in the kit must be used.

9. As part of my RT procedure I routinely heat an aliquot of the eluate prior to the RT reaction. Do I still need to heat the whole eluate after the RNA preparation?
Yes. Heating temperature and incubation time will vary depending on different RT protocols. Therefore, the final heating step should be performed routinely at the end of the protocol.

10. Is a 260/230 nm absorbance ratio specified for RNA derived from the PAXgene Blood RNA System?
No. An  A260/A230 nm absorbance ratio is not specified for any PAXgene Blood RNA extraction kit. In contrast to a reduced A260/A280 ratio, which results from protein contamination of the eluted RNA and can lead to inhibitory effects in down stream applications, there is no negative impact of a reduced A260/A230 ratio on any down stream application reported to date and therefore it is not necessary to specify this.
In addition, because the elution buffer contains very low concentrations of salt that absorb at wavelengths between 220 and 230 nm, it is necessary to zero the photometer properly. Do this by preparing a solution for zeroing the photometer which contains a similar salt concentration as the sample to be measured. Add the same volume of Buffer BR5 (as the volume of RNA sample to be diluted) into a fresh volume of the buffer in which you will measure the absorption (we recommend 10 mM Tris Cl pH 7.5 buffer for this purpose).

11. Can the PAXgene RNA stabilization solution/blood mixture from the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube be disposed of by adding bleach?
Yes. You may dispose of the waste product from the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube with a 5% sodium hypochlorite bleach solution, in a 1:9 ratio (1 part bleach : 9 parts tube contents).

12. What is the proper disposal procedure for waste from the sample preparation?
Waste from the sample preparation, such as supernatants from centrifugation steps in the RNA purification process, is to be considered potentially infectious. Before disposal, the waste must be autoclaved or incinerated to destroy any infectious material. Disposal must follow official regulations.

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