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Congratulations to Dr. Uwe Oelmueller, Co-Chair at PreAnalytiX, for receiving the “Standard and Innovation Technical Body Officers Award” by the European Standardization Organisations CEN & CENELEC.

March 2020

Standards reduce variations in human samples by preventing divergent methods or circumstances affecting the final analytical test results. This promises more reliable and reproducible results, enabling the even better and more efficient diagnosis and medical research for precision medicine than we already know today.

We congratulate Dr. Uwe Oelmueller, VP Head of MDx Sample Technologies at QIAGEN and Co-Chair at PreAnalytiX, for receiving the “Standard and Innovation Technical Body Officers Award” by the European Standardization Organisations CEN & CENELEC.

The award honors his work in the CEN/TC 140 Working Group 3 “Quality management in the medical laboratory” and ISO/TC 212 Working Group 4 “Microbiology and molecular diagnostics”.

Uwe is the convener of both working groups that translate research, medical laboratory and industry needs into standard documents (CEN/TS, EN ISO, ISO) to achieve significant impact in healthcare by reducing the number of errors in human diagnostics, which is also the main mission of SPIDIA4P, a Horizon 2020 project funded by the EU, coordinated by QIAGEN.

Learn more about the project SPIDIA4P

About the award

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