Person typing to contact PreAnalytiX

Global Contacts

Our services for Portugal:

Orders 34.91.848.8104
Fax 34.91.828.81.48

Worldwide BD

For information regarding blood collection tubes with IVD status, you will be forwarded to BD Global Contacts.

For European countries:

For rest of world:

Worldwide QIAGEN 

For information on all other PAXgene products, you will be forwarded to the QIAGEN Global Contacts site.

Contact QIAGEN


The better the source, the more to eXplore.

Our mission is to enable and improve the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease by providing clinicians and researchers with preanalytical systems that yield superior quality samples for molecular diagnostic testing. PAXgene products integrate and standardize the collection, transport, storage, stabilization and purification of nucleic acids from human specimens to optimize the analysis of clinically relevant biomarkers.


Contact us for troubleshooting and support

Global Contacts

Technical Service

Customer Care