Image of PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit (763134)

PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit

For isolation of intracellular RNA, including miRNA, from whole blood

  • Effective isolation of intracellular RNA, including miRNA
  • Standardized sample processing prior to analysis
  • Integrated DNase treatment for removal of gDNA
  • Isolation can be automated on QIAcube instruments 




Spin column


Silica membrane

Sample amount

2.5 mL

Elution volume 

80 µL

Main sample type

Whole blood

Time per run  

  • Manual: 90 min/12 samples
  • Automated: 125 min/12 samples*

Typical RNA yield

3–18 µg/2.5 mL sample

RNA purity

1.8–2.2 (A260/A280)


  • Manual: centrifugation
  • Automated: QIAcube instruments

*Reduced hands-on time.

Intended Use

The PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit is intended for the purification of total RNA (including miRNA) from whole blood collected in PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease. The performance characteristics of this product have not been fully established.

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Catalog No.


PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit (50)

For 50 RNA preps: PAXgene Spin Columns, PAXgene Shredder Spin Columns, Processing Tubes, Microcentrifuge Tubes, RNase-Free DNase, RNase-Free Reagents and Buffers. To be used in conjunction with PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes.

6434 BRL
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The protocols of the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit provide optimal binding conditions for several RNA species. The total RNA isolated includes mRNA and RNA molecules smaller than 200 nucleotides, such as 5.8S rRNA, 5S rRNA, tRNAs, and miRNAs (Figure 1). The chemistry of the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit is complimentary to various downstream applications including QIAGEN's PCR technologies. The obtained high quality miRNA can be analyzed using the QIAGEN miScript PCR System(Figure 2) or miRCURY LNA miRNA Probe PCR System (Figure 3).

*This product is discontinued and my not be available for purchase in your region.


Copy numbers of individual RNA species in blood can change significantly during storage or transport at ambient temperature, making reliable studies of gene expression difficult. Both stabilization of RNA molecules after collection and an efficient RNA isolation protocol are needed to maximize insights into expression profiles of whole blood. Based on proven silica-membrane technology in trusted spin column format, and when combined with PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes, the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit provides the chemistry and rapid procedure to isolate high-quality total RNA and miRNA.


Cell lysis and stabilization of intracellular RNA takes place upon collection of whole blood in PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes, effectively preventing changes to gene expression profiles by ex vivo gene regulation or RNA degradation. After removal of cellular debris, kit buffers provide optimal conditions for RNA molecules to bind to the silica membrane. Contaminants are washed away and trace DNA is removed by treatment with DNase I. Pure RNA, including miRNA, is then eluted in a low-salt elution buffer and denatured by heating (Figure 4).


The isolated RNA is ready for use in a wide range of downstream applications, including:

  • cDNA synthesis
  • Gene expression arrays
  • End-point RT-PCR
  • Quantitative RT-PCR, including TaqMan technology
  • Next-generation sequencing


PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit Handbook

2.0 MB


PAXgene Blood miRNA System Brochure

1.4 MB


(EN) Important Note: PreAnalytiX GmbH street address has changed from “Feldbachstrasse” to “Garstligweg 8”

158.9 KB


Typical Total RNA Yields from PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes Processed with the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit

603.4 KB


Comparison of miRNA Recovery from the PAXgene Blood miRNA System and the Tempus Blood RNA Tube Processed with the Tempus Spin RNA Isolation Kit

810.7 KB


SDS PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit (50)

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Certificate of Analysis

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Isolation of Small RNA Species from PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes (Voss 2009)

3.9 MB


Isolation of microRNAs and Other Small RNA Species from PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes (Voss 2009)

458.4 KB


Establishment of miRNA Profile from Human Whole Blood in Combination with Other Genetic Data (Kruhøffer 2007)

3.0 MB


Gaarz, A. et al. (2010) Bead Array-Based microRNA Expression Profiling of Peripheral Blood and the Impact of Different RNA Isolation Approaches. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics.

1.7 MB


PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit

1. Can the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit be used for diagnostic or prognostic procedures?
No. The product is ‘For Research Use.’ Not for use in diagnostic procedures. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.

2. How great is the enrichment of miRNA when using the dedicated PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit compared to the PAXgene Blood RNA Kit?
If the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit is used, an enrichment of small RNAs as part of the total RNA is achieved. The enrichment may vary between different miRNA species and samples, but on average an enrichment of about three or more CT-values can be expected.

3. How many samples can be processed with the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit?
The kit can be used for 50 RNA isolations.

4. Which sample types can be processed using the PAXgene Blood miRNA protocols?
2.5 ml whole human blood collected in PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes.

5. Do the samples require pretreatment before starting the manual protocol or before loading onto the QIAcube instrument?
Yes. Samples have to be incubated at least 2 h at room temperature (18-22°C). Incubation of the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube overnight may increase yields slightly in some cases. Room temperature storage for up to three days has no effect on the RNA profile. During the preparation of the RNA the manual pretreatment consist of a centrifugation and a pellet resuspenion step (see thePAXgene Blood miRNA Handbook).

6. Do you have stability data for RNA isolated with PAXgene miRNA Kit?
Stability data are not yet available, but a stability study was started.

7. What are the expected yields of RNA from PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes isolated with the PAXgene Blood miRNA kit?
Typical yields of RNA isolated from 2.5 ml healthy, human, whole blood (4.8 x 106 –1.1 x 107 leukocytes/ml) are ≥3 μg for >95% of the samples processed (seeTechnical Note). Since yields are highly donor-dependent, individual yields may vary.

8. How should the samples be stored before purification of RNA?
Room temperature storage of the filled PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes for up to three days has no effect on the RNA profile. For longer storage they should be stored at –20°C or –70°C.

9. What is the maximum number of samples for the QIAcube variant of the PAXgene Blood miRNA protocol for a single run?
Up to 12 samples can be processed in a single run.

10. Why is the final heat denaturation step so important?
Denaturation of the eluate is essential for maximum efficiency in downstream applications, such as RT-PCR, other amplification reactions, or cDNA synthesis. It is not necessary to denature samples more than once; samples remain denatured after freezing and thawing.

11. Is it possible to isolate genomic DNA or virus nucleic acids with PAXgene Blood miRNA protocol?
No. The PAXgene Blood RNA System has been optimized for cellular RNA only. PreAnalytiX offers a dedicated system for collection and isolation of genomic DNA from human whole blood (see PAXgene Blood DNA System).

12. Do eluates generated with the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit contain residual genomic DNA?
Typically, the amount of genomic DNA (gDNA) in eluates of the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit is very low as long as the kit is stored and used according to the instructions of the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit Handbook. For downstream applications that are especially sensitive to gDNA contamination, a specialized protocol for the QIAcube helps reduce gDNA content further and can be downloaded from the QIAcube product page at

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